Suzanna Cincotti has lived at 442 East Allen St. for 19 years, as of 2013. Suzanna was born in Hattiesburg, Mississippi; her mother was from Marianna, Arkansas, and her father from Escanaba, Michigan. Her husband Arthur was a competitive ballroom dancer. He studied in Rhode Island and then went to Roger Williams College and studied Theater. Then he moved to NYC to perform off Broadway.
Prior to their marriage, Arthur went to Sotheby’s in Claverack for a tour and interview, and then received a job offer. They moved from NYC to a rental house on Joslen Blvd. Her son and nephew went to John L. Edwards School, then to Greenport School. 21 years ago Suzanna said Warren Street was a mess. Most storefronts were closed up and derelict, but Arthur loved the architecture. They wanted to buy a house and started looking in Philmont, Germantown, etc. When they saw the house on East Allen Street off of Fifth Street, they bought it. Partition Street, one of the oldest streets in Hudson, is an alley behind their house. Arthur decided to start a carpentry business in Hudson, converting their garage to his shop. He worked for antique dealers on Warren Street like Tom Noonan, Alan Burn, and Alphonse Sutter.
Suzanna worked for United Cerebral Palsy of Albany when they were building a nursery/ daycare and Pre-K on 5th and Warren Streets. She worked there for 4 years. Suzanna taught at Parson Child Family Services after her work with the United Cerebral Palsy of Albany. She was a teacher for emotional disturbances; autistic, mentally disturbed from birth to death. She was a special education teacher and worked with everyone from infants in their homes to the geriatric mentally retarded and learning disabled.